Current Situation

Our current position

Kenya Land Info

Land Area Cover 97.8%
Water Cover 2.2%
Medium to High Rainfall Area 16%

Kenya Land Info

High Rainfall 1,000 mm 20% of productive agricultural land 50% of population
Medium Rainfall 750 – 1,000 mm 35% of productive agricultural land 30% of population
Arid & Semi Arid Lands (ASALs) 200 – 750 mm 84% of Kenya’s total land area

80% of livestock

65% of wildlife

Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture

Climate change refers to a change in the state of the climate that can be seen by changes in its nature over time, usually for decades or longer. It refers to any change in climate over time, whether due to natural variability or as a result of human activity. Experts and scientists all agree now, that the earth is warming. They also agree that the earth’s warming is certainly being caused by human activity.

These activities include burning of fossil fuels, emission of greenhouse gases and irresponsible farming and other activities that destroy trees and other green vegetation. The warming of the earth is bad for us long term. It will lead to worse floods, longer droughts, lack of food, and water scarcity. For those living along the coast, they can also be directly affected by rising sea levels.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Agriculture

Kenya’s agriculture sector is very important in ensuring we have food to eat, money for our use, and reducing poverty. It is also very important in making sure that we do not destroy natural resources. Right now, agriculture is the country’s largest source of money. The sector employs a lot of people and is the largest source of exports.

Effects of Climate Change on Agricultural Sectors

Climate change in Kenya causes:

  • Flooding
  • Droughts
  • Landslides
  • Strong winds
  • Seasonal weather changes
  • Increased temperatures
  • Change in rain patterns.

These cause a threat to lives that are based on agriculture, and leads to a breakdown of ecosystems. In agriculture, climate change brings the following changes.

  • Decreased productivity.
  • Increase in pests and diseases.
  • Destruction of infrastructure.
  • Food shortage.

Effects on Crops

  • Droughts and floods lead to reduced crop production and destruction of the environment.
  • Irregular rainfall leads to poor crop planting, and lower harvests.
  • Famine cycles have reduced from once every 20 years (1964 – 1984) to yearly (2007/2008/2009).

Droughts have led to distribution of food to help people who are not able to produce required amounts of food.


Effects on Livestock

  • Decreased livestock production because of less food for livestock.
  • Change of quality and quantity of fodder (animal feeds).
  • An increase of new diseases and pandemics.
  • Lack of water causes animal deaths.
  • Increase costs because of housing, acquisition of food, and treatment.


Effects on Fishing

Fish are more prone to climate change threats because they are cold blooded. Climate change causes change in temperatures, rain and water quality, which harm the fish as follows.

  • Increased acidity of water, which affects fish growth.
  • Destruction of habitats.
  • Reduction of feeding and shelter areas due to destruction of coral.
  • Change in migration patterns.
  • Change in breeding behaviour.
  • Different temperatures cause distribution patterns, as fish move towards the colder poles.


Effects on Forests

The minimum accepted forest cover for any country is 10%. Kenya is currently at 7%, which is well below the expected minimum. Deforestation (the destruction of forests) has led to:

  • Destruction of habitats.
  • Reduction of forest cover.
  • Loss of rain.
  • Increased greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Loss of animal and plant life.